Jean-philippe Gams / Article / 2023 / June

English !

So, I have decided to start writing a bit more, maybe because I just received my Keychron Q1 pro mechanical keyboard, maybe because I just redid this website's design, or maybe it's just a temporary desire.

Whatever the reason, I have also decided to write in english instead of French witch is my mother tongue. By doing so, I hope to improve my english writing. I'm quite confortable at speaking and understanding and almost everything that I consume on the internet is in english so...

I might still write some post in French if I feel like it and if I know that the subject is not related to the rest of the world ;) but other than that I'll try to blog in English. I'm not doing it to gain more traction on this site as I really don't care about how many people read my posts, if it helps anyone great if not so be it, this is my very own personal space on the web, no censorship, no likes, just me and my thoughts ;)

Happy reading ...

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